Data (That Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings)

This is public now.
Every year the juniors at the high schools take the Smarter Balanced test. There’s English and Math involved. Since I teach English, I don’t even look at the math scores. The results can be found with a few clicks on the California Department of Education site, which you can find HERE.
I work for Torrance Unified and these are our results. You can spin them as you please, for this is merely data. The first number will represent standards exceeded, the second number will represent standards met, and the third number will be the total of kids who exceeded and met standards. The numbers will be the percentages. Just to be a lamb, I will also give the 2016 results, which were rounded up or down, or so I believe.
2016 Results
South High 40, 38, 78. West High 39, 38, 77. North High 33, 43, 76. Torrance High 33, 41, 74.
2017 Results
South 34.79, 36.32, 71.11. West 54.12, 29.63, 83.75. North 29.27, 40.52, 69.79. Torrance 33.84, 40.13, 73.97.

This is data. You can assume what you want from it. I just simplified it (or so I hope).