Almost Nine

My boy has learned a valuable lesson about his father lately. No matter how many tasks that I have to get done, I get them done. There are due dates, and no matter what I have going, I can sit down for over five hours and input data that I have already provided on another document. Four hours, five hours? Doesn’t really matter because it will end someday. But it’s almost nine and I’ve been at it.
Sometimes, you have to do things you don’t like. But, like it says on my board at school, you have to own your rock. Whatever job you have before you, make it your own.
And now the students come to see me. These are students who are done with school. That’s right–if I have any seniors, they are technically done with their schooling. Tomorrow is baccalaureate practice and yearbooks and senior slideshow, then next week they get signed out and practice for walking at graduation. I always feel bad at this time of year because they don’t get it–it’s over. It ended today when students finished their senior projects.
Somehow, I don’t think I’ll be done with some of them. My sympathy level is at an all-time low after what I accomplished over the last two days. More work than some ever do.
But that’s what I want my son to see. He doesn’t have to put work first like his father does, but he does have to meet deadlines. That’s what got me to my lofty status in life. See you on my yacht, old sport.