Were the tides amiss today? Were the planets not aligned correctly? Was it because the sun didn’t come out all day? Was it a mass nutritional deficiency? Exhaustion? Affluenza? Did the gods just decide that today would be “that” day?
I’ve been teaching since the mid-80’s, either as a sub, or full-time at high schools. I’ve had good days and bad days. I’m sure, if I looked at today from a historical perspective, there would have been many other days to rival it. But, man, after all these years of going through the dance, you think you have it down pretty well–until you don’t.
Thank goodness that today is now the past, and, overall, it wasn’t even that bad. That’s the beauty of teaching and the awesomeness of the past–one repeats the next day while the other doesn’t exist.
The only thing I will take from today is that I don’t where it became acceptable to be so unacceptable. I might as well have enjoyed lunch with Golding all day (or maybe tea, since it was all day) and had him just say, “See,” or “Look at that,” or “I called that one.” You did, Bill. You nailed it.
All the usual suspects won today. Best of three starts tomorrow, though.