What Is There To Write?

My goal with this blog was to write every single day of school, and then some, to see if I had the discipline to write 200 posts in a school year. I will.
Today was like a fog came over me–one that hasn’t lifted. To write of the teaching experience is pretty fun. As always, teaching my kids and questioning them brings laughter every day. And, every now and then, they sometimes “get it.” Every now and then.
It’s hard to write about school and not be negative. My mind runs at night, wondering about my brand at school. I have one–it’s probably negative to many, but class sign-ups and the desire of students to be in my classes tell me otherwise.
But being a teacher is hard on me because I can’t shut my brain off. I hoped that creating a blog would alleviate this condition, but I’m always thinking of lessons, media literacy, and anything I can present to my students that will get them to think. I would assume that’s what ALL teachers are like, but I can’t be sure.
Greed and sloth are powerful motivators to people–that’s the case with anything. We want that full-time pay for that part-time work. My job will never be easy because that’s just me. It’s not something I can turn off and on. Some like it, some don’t. You’re welcome. Sorry.
I’ll try to be a little more positive in the remaining weeks–it’s easy enough if I just write about the good kids I’ve had, or have–but that’s not the reality of my existence at school, and many other teachers tell me it’s not their reality either. People don’t want to read that, though.
Bah. I’ve written too much and haven’t written anything. Am I bugging you? Don’t mean to bug you. Okay, Edge, play the blues.