Thursday Never Fails

The good–I started my day with a breakfast burrito, which was tasty.
The rest–I talked with a mother of one of my students. There were several occasions where I apologized to her for the behavior of other adults on campus. I felt like crying with her.
There was a poetry test involved. That will go fine, gradewise, because it was pretty easy by my standards. Students worry over and over about a missed point here and there–they never worry about what they’re learning.
My last class has an argumentative essay due tomorrow. They have all these opinions, they argue all the time, I made the paper worth a ton, and incentivized it even more if they did a decent job. My fingers are crossed.
The rest is personal, and though I try to be fairly transparent in the classroom, on this blog, and in general, some things are too heavy to put into words.

That’s the best a Thursday is going to get.