Career Goals

My sophomores met with their counselors today to register for next year’s classes. Here were their choices for English–AP Language, English 3, Online English 3. That’s it. Either you are a superstar student who takes AP classes, or you are in a regular English class, either in seats or online. There are around 120 students this year in AP Language, making one out of every four kids in our school’s junior class an AP student.
The rest of the kids are in English 3 and Online English 3. It is considered College-Prep because every class is considered College-Prep. Athenians. We will produce art and revel in the Humanties. Lend me your lute so I can sing songs with Sting.
Well, that’s great, and all, but what do you do with the 30 (maybe 40) kids out of 100 that did not put anything down for their career goal on the top of their registration paper. It was a big blank space, right above their names, so it was pretty hard to miss. Career Goal_______________________________.
I get it, too. They’re 15 to 16, still only sophomores in school, and a career goal might be so far from their realm of thinking right now. That’s the positive, unrealistic answer.
Here’s the reality–remember when you were asked this question years ago? You were asked it from first grade through high school. Ever leave it blank?