WASC is Gone

Kevin Spacey says it best HERE. WASC came on Monday, they are gone on Tuesday, and an email from one of our administrators says that our school did great.
In my 18 years at school, WASC has been there at least three or four times. I’ve never seen them. Not once did I ever meet one WASC member. I’ve taught Honors English for all these years, APN has been a 43-year-old program that a third of the senior class signs up for, yet I’ve had no contact. Oh, well, I probably should have sought them out if I wanted to meet them.
Today was one of those days that was good for a while–I talked Cry, The Beloved Country with my students. Some of them acted like they read the book. So that was fun.
At lunch, though, I got to hear that this book offers nothing about the real world, or at least the world of science that a student wants to enter. Perhaps he’s right.
And then email comes, a reminder that Gillian Hart and I will have to jump through many hoops if we want APN to remain at school.
Tomorrow is day 120 (out of 180). As a student said the other day, “We’re halfway there.” No, I will not put a video up of “Living on a Prayer.” Sing it to yourself.