Multicultural Food Day

Kids eat a lot of food on Multicultural Food Day. Our many clubs sell different foods at lunch and kids buy them. As Ted-Ed Club sponsor, I got donuts, which I suppose is “multicultural,” for a really nice Vietnamese dude made them. We sold out of donuts, though one was stolen. How do you just steal a donut, man?
Kids also missed much class on this day. There were track meets, students tutoring at Edison, council kids setting up for the festivities, kids throwing a 41st-and-a-half birthday party for my teaching partner (tfti, kids–always makes me feel great about things), clean-up periods. In other words, kids are coming and going all day.
Thank goodness for online work. Students who were in class could get things done and students who were coming and going could see what we did. It’s hard to describe how much apathy and refusal some teachers had for online teaching for many years. Hard to deny its greatness, though, when it can cover so many kids who are in so many places at once.
And, the best for last, as a teacher backed into my car in the parking lot. Oooh, my back. Ooooh, my neck. Other teachers saw the accident and just kept walking. My tail light needs a little adjusting, but my back and neck are fine. No need for Larry Parker.
In teaching, we have a word for days like today. Wednesday.