APN is on the registration sheet for next year. Year 43? 44? I know that Gillian Hart and I took it over in 2002 and have been at it ever since. It’s been around a long while, that’s for sure, but students were ridiculously cute today about the class. It was the first day of registration–I think kids have to have their classes picked by Sunday–and WAY too many kids were excited at the prospect of its continuance. The excitement was nice to see. After all, our school wanted kids to be excited about their future schedules. Looks like APN has that taken care of.
I get that some people at school don’t think the class is a big deal, but the interest level of kids says otherwise. Many students usually sign up for the class. That’s data, btw. And I’m proud that Gillian and I have built something that still works for the kids, school, and community . . . but every silver lining has a cloud to it. I looked at students’ registration sheets today and the number of English options wasn’t much. You have your honors and AP levels per grade, online for grades 11 and 12, Speech (as an elective, open to all grades, but mostly 11 and 12), and English 1, 2, 3, and 4. Then APN, which kind of sticks out in that list.
That sort of fires me up for next year. There are times when you look out into the abyss that is our classroom and wonder what on Earth you’re doing. Kids that came to visit me today wondered whether I would be back at North, if APN would exist, what their chances were of being in the class–I doubt that happened in many other classrooms today. Maybe I’m wrong.
I’m sure the excitement won’t last long. Time and history have taught me to be ready for anything that comes my way, and time and history have also taught me that it’s coming.
We’ll end on that positive note. For now.https://youtu.be/sn5i_wBCgSs