
New year, new me? Nope. I’m 55 and I am who I am.
As for teaching, I resolve to keep trying. Trying is not the definition my students might think. They’re funny–they don’t do well on something, but claim they “tried.” As in, I didn’t read, didn’t look at secondary sources, didn’t understand what you were talking about because of the previous two non-happenings, but I “tried” on the test. It’s nearly comical at this point in my career.
I keep trying even though I could mail it in so easily. Teaching for 18 years at the same school produces many assignments, saved either in an online class format, on my computer at home, or a hard copy version in a file cabinet. There are teachers who keep banging that same drum–giving handouts that were given to students 20 years ago, as if nothing has changed–or ones that lead their students to Khan Academy and call it a day. And, yes, there’s a time and place for all of that, especially when it comes to adding variety to the school day.
I keep trying because school is boring for kids. There are few surprises in their lives, which is why they’re on their phones all the time, looking for something new and exciting. I’m still working on how to incorporate outside time within the English classroom. Remember Dead Poet’s Society? Robin Williams had kids kicking a ball while he asked them questions about poetry. He got fired, though. Remember?
I resolve to keep being ridiculous, to mess with students, to get kids talking about stuff–all while being the 55-yr-old charming soul that I’ve always been.
Your resolution? Let me be that guy.