
Jimmy is almost as tall as I am. He probably weighs about 200 pounds less. He carries a guitar around North High and likes music. Because my next-door teacher neighbor was out doing silly things at lunch this week, Jimmy ate in my room. I play music in my room at lunch.
Today, it was just me and Jimmy and one of my students doing some work on a Chromebook. I asked, “Jimmy, what do you want to hear?” He didn’t care so I played Black Sabbath’s “Heaven and Hell.” One, I know he likes Sabbath. Two, Dio may not be Ozzy, but “Heaven and Hell” is a pretty awesome seven minutes of 1980 arena rock.
The highlight was that Jimmy played along to the song. We talked Sabbath set lists, Dio kicked ass, and lunch was pretty good, even though Jimmy told me Dio has been dead for six years.
Music is a big deal. Talking with someone who knows that is a big deal, too.
Alright, get your guitars out.