More Tests

It’s a little metaphorical–the physical test and the way kids test teachers. But, another day, another test, this time the CAASPP, which went along the lines of California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance (but don’t quote me). Every sophomore took it online.
Most of my students were troopers and took yet another test that is thrown their way. High points were kids staying after the bell and finishing because they flat-out said they wanted to do well. Low points were kids finishing in short time periods. Lowest point was a girl who was way behind on answering questions (there’s a grid where I could track their progress). I looked over to her and saw she was flipping through her phone, perhaps searching for a great Drake song. Good luck with that.
“Are we being graded on this?” they asked.
“No,” I told them. “You are doing this for our school and your pride in yourself.”
Guess I should have said Yes.
Not that a grade needs to be the buy-in moment–it’s hard for me to relate because I liked taking tests in school–but it is SO HARD watching them give up so quickly. I don’t care if I’ve written it before–you can’t get better playing an inferior opponent again and again, and challenging yourself (especially when there is no penalty of a bad grade) is never a bad thing.
There’s only so much you can blame on Friday and the heat. That’s the way it goes sometimes with the best laid plans, but the past was today and Monday expects something better from me. I’ll keep trying.

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