Former Students (The 4%)

There’s been a huge push lately in public education for students to attend four-year colleges. Now that may not seem like a big deal, except the push is for students to enter four-year colleges right out of high school. And that’s where some teachers have an issue, including me.
There was data not many years ago that I will never believe. I just have seen too many success stories to make me think the numbers are correct. It went along these lines–for every 100 students that enters a junior college with the intent on attending a four-year university, only four percent made it to that level. That’s right. Four kids out of every hundred kids with INTENT to transfer. Seems a little hard to believe. What happens to the other 96?
Do any of the four-percenters read this? Anyone who went to a 2-yr that has transferred to a 4-yr. There’s a comment button below.

2 thoughts on “Former Students (The 4%)”

  1. I did JC for 3.5 years, 2.5 more at the university. Got the AA and the BA, and look back on the college years fondly. I got a lot out of it. That stat sounds lame: Incorrect, even. I’m a big fan of encouraging everyone to make a big effort to get a higher education, but it does seem to benefit many to wait until after some time in the work environment or Military service. Folks with real world experience tend to have a clearer vision on what college is for and why they are there. They put more effort in than those straight out of high school, and get more out of it. That’s a bit of a generalization, but yeah.

  2. I have a hard time believing that stat. I was President and Student Trustee at El Co and was really involved in the Honors Transfer Program. My personal experience tells me that the numbers are closer to 70%. Maybe the statistic meant graduating from a 4 year within 4 years after high school? But that rarely happens even if you go automatically to a 4-year. I wouldn’t change the pattern of my education at El Co for anything. It changed my life and made me a better person–someone who got to choose from the best public universities in the country.

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