People don’t do things for no reason anymore. There’s always got to be something in it for them. Same deal with the clown scares. Really, people? Some guy or gal is going to dress up as a scary old clown and roam the streets of cities, scaring little children (and people who still are little children)?
Not even a possibility. For one, there’s no money in it. Two, the cops would roll up on this clown so fast it wouldn’t know what hit it (no pun intended).
Come on! Next thing you’re going to tell me is that we put a man on the moon or that Muhammad Ali actually HIT Sonny Liston. PUH-leeze.
So, today, students came up to me in class with a tweet or post on their phones that claimed clowns were at North High, lurking in our parking lot. They, of course, had descriptions of their evil attire, the ghastly make-up, and whatever weapon they were wielding. After all, there was a posting on social media that this was real.
“Picture, or it didn’t happen,” was my response, and that was that. Okay, a few boys tried to inch out of class to catch of glimpse of the hellish clowns, but they didn’t get far.
Fast forward to after school. I walked out of school with my next-door-classroom neighbor, like we often do after the final bell. But today, the principal was in the parking lot with campus security. I have never seen the two of them in the parking lot at any time, so I quickly put two and two together as we walked past them.
“Oh, you’re looking for clowns,” I said. And then, because I’m so darned clever, added something along the lines of, “Well, looks like we’re the only clowns here.”
I appreciate the pro-active stance of patrolling the parking lot after school, but there are hundreds of cars with many parents, students, and teachers in the vicinity. The principal knew I was joking around and said, “What’s that song about clowns? ‘Bring in the Clowns’?”
“‘Send in the Clowns,'” I said. “But I prefer some Smokey Robinson.”
I actually prefer the English Beat. Either version, the tears are real.