Labor Day

There won’t be much labor on this Labor Day. School starts tomorrow. Unlike almost every district in the United States, Torrance still thinks it is wise to start after the holiday. This doesn’t make much sense, except for people who aren’t willing to give up their summer on a one-time basis. After you start early, you get out early, start early–it becomes the same cycles of 10 or 11 weeks.
Here’s two reasons for an early start.
–we have already played two football games. I’m guessing attendance was light because we no longer have Mique Juarez, and school is not yet in session.
–AP testing takes place in May. It seems wise to start early and get two extra weeks of instruction, rather than start late, take the test in May, and have a month of post-AP “work” that isn’t as important as the work leading up to the test.
I’m sure our district has great reasons for not changing, but I’m also guessing that other districts have great reasons for starting early. I just listed two.